Which actor was WWE legend Rey Mysterio a stunt double for?

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Sunday, June 9, 2024

Rey Mysterio is one of the best wrestlers to set foot in the ring. He is one of the most visually-pleasing competitors and is extremely easy to root for. What makes him such a fan favorite is his ability to put on great matches and execute the most stunning moves easily.

Mysterio is popular outside wrestling circles, as even non-wrestling fans are aware of the luchador and his reputation. As such, the legend has dabbled in other ventures, including the film industry. He was one of many WWE Superstars who appeared in Ready To Rumble in 2000.

However, Mysterio's most significant acting venture was appearing as a stunt double in the Freddy vs. Jason movie in 2003. The former world champion performed in that role for a top actor. If you want to know who he subbed in for, read on to find out.

In Freddy vs. Jason, Rey Mysterio served as a stunt double for Robert Englund's Freddy Krueger. He performed as Freddy during the boiler room dream scene. What's funny is the fact that he and Englund look so different, but hey, they made it work.

Rey Mysterio's career and legacy

Rey Mysterio has had an illustrious career and is arguably the greatest cruiserweight of all time. Most wrestlers would kill for his resume and legacy, as he is still a formidable threat inside the ring.

Mysterio has wrestled in WWE for two decades and has won pretty much everything the company has to offer. He is a three-time world champion, a two-time United States Champion, a two-time Intercontinental Champion, a three-time Cruiserweight Champion, and a five-time Tag Team Champion. The veteran is also a Royal Rumble winner, having won the 2006 match in some style.

The luchador is still going strong at the age of 47. He has taken on superstars of the past and present and never missed a step. The man is currently involved in a deeply personal feud with his son Dominik Mysterio, who betrayed him a couple of weeks ago and joined The Judgment Day.

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