Apparently Matt Damon was scheduled to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live several times, but kept getting put off due to time constraints. He finally got a chance to come on, and Kimmel launched into this long annoying introduction, practically describing his entire career. Then Matt sat down and Kimmel told him there wasn’t enough time to do an interview.
Matt told him to f off good-naturedly, but when the band was playing and the credits were rolling he really got pissed, his face got red, and he told him to f off repeatedly and stormed off stage. If he was left waiting to be interviewed for several nights and finally got told there was no time, you can’t blame him. That was a pretty cheap stunt for Kimmel to pull.
Update: This is probably a joke as commentors have mentioned, but the verdict is still out. Damon covinced me, but the way it was set up with clips of Damon not getting on the show makes it seem like it was staged. Before putting me down for defending Damon, commentor Gman said that Damon cancelled on Kimmel several times and that’s why he was snubbed on the show. Yes, I do have a pup-tent for Damon. And, yes, I can be pretty gullible, which is why I have a penchant for gossip. It looks real to me, but it could be a joke.
Please discuss the merits of the setup vs. real argument without attacking people for having a different opinion on it. That’s called an ad hominem attack and it’s pretty weak.
Thanks to Fark for linking this.
Another Update: This is a much-contested topic. You can vote on whether you think Damon is acting or not in the poll below.