Porsha Williams showed off her hourglass figure on social media. Check out the short video that she shared on her IG account that had fans and followers praising her.
‘Today, take the pledge and support Black-owned businesses! #SupportBlackBusiness Shop @gonakedhair ! ✊🏾 @gonakedhair @gonakedhair #BlackOwnedBusiness,’ Porsha captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Just ordered my Pampered by Porsha sheets….looking forward to getting them soon!’ and another follower posted this message: ‘received my eggplant color sheet sets. 💜 they way the feel. I shall be ordering another set.’
One other follower posted this: ‘Just ordered this hair!! Excited for it to get here!!’ and a fan commented on the following: ‘Porsha Hair AND EDGES always on point!’
Someone else wrote: ‘@porsha4real I have your Sheet…..Phenomenal I must say; however, is this a wig, bc I need this in my Life🥰.’
A follower said this: ‘Video effect had me trippin for a sec 😭 but you look good,’ and one other Instagrammer posted the following message: ‘Shorts should have a Wørd on the butt! Video 1000% ❤️🇺🇸💯 it’s a big win!’
Another follower posted the following message: ‘@porsha4real so where did all the weight go? U look good.’
Not too long ago, Porsha shared a video on her social media account that had fans smiling.
Porsha herself said that she smiled the whole time while she was watching it.
Earlier today, it’s been revealed that Porsha was gushing over her baby girl, Pilar Jhena and Dennis McKinley.
You should check out the photos that Porsha shared on her social media account below.
Other than this, Porsha is living her best life together with PJ and Dennis.
She’s been keeping her fans updated on her social media account on a daily basis. People are gushing over her baby girl, PJ, and they are always praising her beauty, saying that she gets it from her mom.