Did Bob Barker have a legitimate confrontation with top AEW star in WWE? All you need to know about

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Thursday, June 27, 2024

The passing of Bob Barker at the age of 99 is more sad news following the tragic loss of Bray Wyatt. Bob Barker was widely known as the former host of the iconic game show "The Price Is Right." His death was attributed to natural causes, though further details are still awaited.

In the world of professional wrestling, Bob Barker had a memorable interaction with Chris Jericho during his guest-hosting stint on WWE's Monday Night Raw in 2009. This confrontation between Barker and Jericho has remained a memorable moment for fans. Despite the intensity of their interaction, it was part of the storyline and not a real-life altercation.

In recognition of his guest hosting role in WWE, Barker's segment with Jericho led to Bob Barker later winning a Slammy Award for being the best WWE guest host. However, after the news of Barker's passing, Chris Jericho shared his heartfelt reaction on Instagram.

In this emotional post, he expressed his respect for Barker's contribution to professional wrestling and mentioned that the legendary host's presence nearly caused him to break character on camera.

Bob's involvement with WWE remains a memorable crossover moment that fans fondly remember.

Bob Barker also served in the US Navy before being popular on television

Bob Barker's popularity stems from his iconic role as the host of the renowned game show "The Price Is Right." However, before his television career, Barker served in the United States Navy. He had a background in aviation and was an expert in flying aircraft. He served at several naval stations, including Naval Air Station Deland in Florida, Great Lakes Naval Station, and Banana River Naval Air Station.

Later on, Barker's journey into broadcasting began in radio, working at different radio stations like KTTS-FM and KNX (AM). He first gained prominence as the host of the game show "Truth or Consequences," where he appeared from 1956 to 1975.

However, it was his role as the host of "The Price Is Right" that truly solidified his fame. He began hosting the show in 1972 and continued in that role until 2007. Barker's charismatic and engaging hosting style made him a beloved figure on television.

In addition to his work on "The Price Is Right," Barker made appearances on various shows, including "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and "The Late Show with David Letterman."

He also gained recognition for his work in commercials. In 2009, he published his autobiography titled "Priceless Memories," where he shared his life experiences and memories.

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